Welcome to the Town of Stedman. We are a small bedroom community in eastern North Carolina, with approximately 1500 residents and growing. We have many things to offer you and your family. We host many local merchants, churches, daycares, public schools, a dental office, doctor offices, a volunteer fire department and post office.
The Town is over 100 years old. Back in 2013 the Town hosted a two-day Centennial Celebration to honor this special time and published a History Book of Stedman to commemorate our history. There is a copy of the History Book on display at the Town Hall for everyone’s viewing. Please stop by and see us!
Stedman is “A Special Place”, one you will want to call home. See you soon!
Smoke Alarm, Carbon Monoxide Alarm, Home Safety Inspection, and Address Sign Requests
Solicitudes de alarmas de humo, alarmas de monóxido de carbono, inspección de seguridad del hogar y señales de dirección
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For details and to sign up, please visit this page!